Before anything else, we need to understand what is creative? Creatives are what we see on every social media channel — image, video, GIF, etc.
Creatives are one of the most important aspects of social media. They help us showcase what we wanna show our audience. Through an image or video, we show a story, engage with our audience, showcase our products. Creatives can achieve a lot if used properly, creatives can bring a lot of engagement and reach. It opens a wider range of possibilities to create, to engage, and to have fun with the storytelling.
Today when people have a low attention span and the screen is getting smaller day by day creatives are the most powerful tool to engage with the audience. They hold the power to engage the audience and attract them towards our brand.
The creative should be engaging enough to be shared by a target audience, intending to drive beneficial consumer action. So to do that the first step is to have a strong creative that can stop the audience from scrolling down and look at your page which in turn can bring sales and brand recognition.
Two steps are the most important in generating strong creative. The first is what kind of consumer insight you have that the consumer feels connected with your message. The second is how creative are you in communicating your message, how are you staging it
Social Media is a content generation destination so too little content or too much content can harm too. Creatives are important and help brands to engage, to showcase their products, to interact with the audience.